Friday, March 28, 2008

third assignment

the element that i have chosen is symbolism and allegory because there is one word in my book that has a meaning for both of these elements. its called mothers game. the symbolism of the word is itat his mother plays a game with him that is deadly and life risking games and it also shows how this young man has survived a horrable life that he is subjected to. the allegory of the book is that you shouldnt do nothing wrong or you will pay one way or another with mothers games.

Friday, March 7, 2008

assignment 2

well i picked the book called A Child Called "IT" and the main charcter it a young boy who i baddly beaten by his mother who is an alcholic and became ths way when the boys father wanted a divorce and then the beatings began he was only four when it started and when it was time for him to start school and his mother would beat him she would keep a list of the excuses that he has used it the past month or so and decide what exuse for him to tel his teachers. he was starved to death and when he would get cought steeling food form school he would hope that they wouldnt call his mother beause the beatting would get worse and the only thing he was alloed to eat was left over scraps that not even the dogs would eat. the kid would be subjected to these games that his mother would like to play andther really brutal games one game she made him drink ammonia and in another game she turnd the stove one and told him he ahd to lay there and if he moved he would get beaten worse and it all the games she played with him where alway life threating and near death for the poor child. the boy also lives in the grauge where it very cold at night and he sleeps on an old war cot and uses a bucket for a bathroom and wears rags that he has had for years and are never clean and smell badly. the only time he got new clothes was when the mother found out that CPS was comming to see what the family was like and at that time he was able to bath and sleep in a bed and get clean clothes and get rid of his rags. the child was so use to thease beatings and games his mother played that it didnt faze him anymore and the only thing he look forward in life where his dreams and goals he had set for him self. during the whole thing u would think that the dad would hepl him but he wouldnt he would just look the other way the whole time and them he left and thats when it got worse for him.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

book choice

the book that we read dosent really matter to me i dont care what we read so just pick one and start reading it